Rockland Electric Project Benefits About 3,000 in Wyckoff Area
Latest in a $6M Series of Electric Service Reliability Improvements
Rockland Electric Company is planning to begin work this week on a $350,000 electric system storm hardening project designed to improve electric service reliability and strengthen electric system infrastructure for approximately 2,900 of its customers in Wyckoff, Franklin Lakes, Allendale and surrounding areas.
The project is due to begin Thursday, April 1.
The new Godwin Ave. project calls for replacement of a number of poles and the installation of 1,300 feet of new overhead, heavy-duty cable conductor along Godwin Greenwood Ave. in Wyckoff. When complete, the project will bring another distribution circuit into the downtown area from the nearby Franklin Lakes Substation. As part of the project, three additional remote-operated switching devices will be installed. This will allow distribution system operators to more quickly identify damaged areas and restore service more quickly.
Installation will begin at the intersection of Franklin Ave. and Godwin Ave. and travel north on Godwin the intersection of Greenwood Ave. and Godwin Ave.

In addition to the Godwin Ave. storm hardening project, four other projects in the service reliability enhancement series have been completed. They include two projects featuring strategic undergrounding of overhead lines totaling $4.8 million, construction of a new circuit on Old Mill Road totaling $400,000 and the installation of $500,000 of additional smart grid equipment on local circuits that serve Wyckoff, Franklin Lakes, Allendale and surrounding areas.
The Rockland Electric crews will be working between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Adequate traffic control measures, including flaggers, will be coordinated with the Wyckoff police department.
Rockland Electric Company is an electric utility that serves 73,000 customers in parts of Bergen, Passaic and Sussex County in New Jersey. Rockland Electric is a wholly owned subsidiary of Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc., which in turn is owned by Consolidated Edison, Inc.