Drive into the Future at O&R's Electric Car Guest Drive Oct 29, 30
Want to test drive an electric car? You know, it’s that smooth ride, full of emissions-free virtue and the soothing sounds of silence. There’s no better place to see that the “clean and quiet” automotive future has already arrived than from behind the wheel of some of the nation’s best known electric cars.
Stop by for that test drive at Orange & Rockland’s Electric Car Guest-Drive from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 29 and Saturday, Oct. 30 at Winding Hills Park, 207 Winding Hills Park Road, Montgomery, N.Y. You will be able to get behind the wheel of a variety of new electric vehicles including the Mustang Mach-E and Tesla Model 3, the world’s best-selling electric car.
The Guest-Drive will be held under several COVID-19 safety protocols designed to enhance the guest drivers’ electric car experience. For example, masks are required for driver and passengers in the guest drive vehicle. See more details below.
The event also features displays and demonstrations of electric vehicle charging stations. Electric Car Insider company representatives will be on hand to discuss methods for fueling EVs using the increasingly clean electric grid.
Space is limited so an RSVP is required. Electric Car Insider will send you an invitation confirming the date, time, and your drive time window within 48 hours.
Sign up for the O&R Electric Car Guest Drive event through these links:
Snacks and drinking water will be available. Guests are welcome to bring their own food and drink, but please observe the strict no alcohol policy. The venue prohibits glass containers.

O&R’s Andrew Farrell, left, and Jimmy Vasquez, right, are rolling out O&R’s Ford Mustang Mach-E demonstration vehicle for Orange & Rockland’s Electric Car Guest-Drive on Friday, Oct. 29 and Saturday, Oct. 30 at Winding Hills Park in Montgomery.
The following measures are designed to reduce the possibility of transmission of the Covid-19
Virus at the event.
Inflow Parking and Arrival
Before exiting the vehicle they arrive in, attendees will participate in a verbal health check quiz administered by staff. When indicated, this quiz will include a no-touch temperature check
Path to Registration Desk
The path from arrival parking to the registration desk will be clearly marked. Social distancing spacing rings will be placed on the path. Attendees will advance when next circle is clear.
Registration Desk
The registration desk will use a “no hands” check-in. The tablet computers used for check-in will be operated by the registration desk staff, not handed back and forth from staff and guests.
Path to Waiting Area
The path from registration to the drive waiting area will be marked with social distancing rings.
Waiting Area
In the waiting area, chairs will be spaced apart. Larger circles will be marked for each “pod” of attendees, such as a family unit.
Path to Loading Zone
The path from the waiting area to the drive loading zone will be marked with social distancing rings.
Loading Zone
The drive loading zone will be marked with social distancing rings.
Car Loading
The cars will be aired out between drive sessions (doors open, turn car fan on high for one minute). Standing area boxes will be marked on the ground next to each car’s loading area.
Drive Experience
All Electric Vehicle (EV) educators, who accompany the guests during drives, will be required to have been vaccinated A disposable stretch plastic wrapper will be used to cover the steering wheel and shift lever or buttons between drives. The drive map will not be shared. The queue will be placed in the container without changing hands.
About Orange & Rockland
Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. (O&R), a wholly owned subsidiary of Consolidated Edison, Inc., one of the nation’s largest investor-owned energy companies, is a regulated utility. O&R provides electric service to approximately 300,000 customers in southeastern New York State (where its franchise name is Orange & Rockland) and northern New Jersey (where it’s Rockland Electric Company) and natural gas service to approximately 130,000 customers in New York.