O&R Offers Incentives to Energize Hundreds of New Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Make it Easier to Own/Drive a Plug-in Hybrid or Electric Vehicle
The benefits of owning an EV are many:
- Reduced fuel costs
- Lower maintenance costs
- Reduced vehicle emissions
- Incentives and tax credits
O&R’s PRP goal is to develop infrastructure to enable EV drivers to readily find chargers, and make it easier for New Yorkers to own or drive plug-in hybrids or EVs.
What PowerReady pays for:
- Utility Infrastructure: Electric distribution network transformers, meters, conductor.
- Customer Infrastructure: Panel, conductor, boring, trenching, conduit
After the set up:
- The customer is responsible for charger costs, annual maintenance fees and the ongoing cost of electricity to power the charger.
How It Works
Step 1: Information and Application
Review incentive information and determine your readiness to participate. Submit an application and receive an eligibility determination from O&R.
Step 2: Site Design and Construction
Work with equipment vendors, site host, and O&R to design, install, and operate a qualifying charging station.
Step 3: Site Inspection
Coordinate a time for O&R to inspect the site and verify chargers are operational. Once inspection is passed, O&R mails an incentive check.
Step 4: Station Operation
You must continuously operate the charging station(s) through the end of the program period and report operational data to O&R or a third-party vendor. For direct current fast charging stations, O&R provides payments to the customer according to an annual payment schedule.
Visit oru.com/PowerReady to get started.
About O&R
Orange and Rockland Utilities (O&R) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Consolidated Edison, Inc. (Con Edison) (NYSE: ED), one of the nation’s largest investor-owned energy companies. O&R is a regulated electric and gas utility that serves approximately 244,000 electric customers and 131,460 natural gas customers in New York.
For additional information about O&R, please visit O&R’s Web site at www.oru.com.