O&R Employee Group's Winter Coat Drive Brings Warmth to Neighbors in Need

Pictured here, from left, are O&R volunteers Kristina Bourque, Gigi Aniciete-Quijano, Vontelle McCall, Mark Impomeni and Karen Galeazzi. The group is preparing the contributions to this year’s winter coat drive for packing and distribution. Approximately 20 O&R volunteers pitched in to pack up the coats at O&R’s Blooming Grove Operations Center last week.
About Orange & Rockland
Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. (O&R), a wholly owned subsidiary of Consolidated Edison, Inc., one of the nation’s largest investor-owned energy companies, is a regulated utility. O&R provides electric service to approximately 300,000 customers in southeastern New York State (where its franchise name is Orange & Rockland) and northern New Jersey (where it’s Rockland Electric Company) and natural gas service to approximately 130,000 customers in New York. For more information about O&R, please visit oru.com.