Rockland Electric, Con Edison Volunteers Help 3 Sisters Farm (Pony Power) Prep Its Garden
To jump start the annual Earth Week celebration which begins today, volunteers from Rockland Electric Company, and its sister company Con Edison, joined the folks at Three Sisters Farm (Pony Power Therapies, Inc.) in Mahwah last Saturday for some serious garden work.
The volunteer crew spent the day assembling and filling raised beds with soil in the Farm in the Forest, a sharing garden that supports a hot meals program, Oasis in Paterson, and provides fresh produce to the Center for Food Action pantry in Mahwah. Last year’s garden yielded over 2,000 pounds of produce. The newly expanded garden has nearly double the planting space. Rockland Electric Company also donated the fence that protects the newly expanded garden.

Caption: from left, Sixto Jimenez, Dionne Kravetz, Curtis Thompson, Ainka Defreitas, Carmen Lowman, Nick Schwab (farm manager) and Roxanne Kravetz.
About Rockland Electric Company
Rockland Electric Company is a regulated electric utility that serves 73,000 customers in parts of Bergen, Passaic, and Sussex counties in New Jersey. Rockland Electric is a wholly owned subsidiary of Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc., which in turn is owned by Consolidated Edison, Inc