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Applying for Private Generation Interconnection in New York

Submit Required Forms and Documentation

Please include all necessary information, designs, and accurate contact information to ensure an efficient review process. In most cases, the certified installer handles the technical paperwork. Please verify this with the installer.

Upload the following required documents directly to Power Clerk:

  1. Executed interconnection agreement*
  2. Customer authorization letter
  3. A site plan with the proposed point of interconnection identified on satellite image (Google Earth, Bing Maps)
  4. Copy of certificate of UL 1741 compliance
  5. Copy of interface manufacturer’s data sheet
  6. Copy of manufacturer’s verification test procedures
  7. Diagram (one line for single phase installation; three line for three phase system, including PCC wiring configuration and existing utility service)
  8. Appendix B (>50 kW Applications)
  9. Copy of check for application fee (>50 kW Applications)
  10. 25 Percent Construction Payment Task List — Appendix B

  11. *Interconnection Agreement for Federal Agencies (Case Number: 21-E-0511)
    **Interconnection Agreement for State Agencies (Case Number: 22-E-0137)


Applications for Distributed Generation Programs

Commercial Customers:

Before beginning the application process, please contact an account engineer in the New Business office at 1-845-577-3324 and review the applicable tariffs.

Community Distributed Generation (CDG) Developers

CDG Value Stack Net Crediting Program

As a CDG Host, if you enroll the Net Crediting Program, we will apply your savings rate to your CDG Satellites, and a net credit will be applied to the their electric bills. 

Please review our CDG Net Crediting Manual for full details on eligibility and requirements.

To enroll, the CDG Host must submit the following documents to O&R via PowerClerk. Once we receive all completed forms, a 60 day enrollment period will begin. We will notify you via email upon receipt of all completed enrollment documents.

  1. Value Stack Net Crediting Checklist (PDF)
  2. Value Stack Net Crediting Agreement (PDF)
  3. CDG Host Certification Form (PDF) 
  4. CDG Value Stack Subscriber Allocation Request (XLS) 
  5. Payment information
    a. Automated Clearinghouse form 
    b. IRS Form W-9 
    c. Bank Letter 

Natural gas customers

You may qualify for special rates on your natural gas delivery and supply through us. See Service Classification Riders B and C


Remote Crediting Program

You can apply to be a Remote Crediting (“RC”) Host Account if:

  1. you are a non-residential customer
  2. you are a residential customer who owns or operates a farm operation as defined by the Agricultural and Markets Law.

A customer that meets these criteria will be eligible to allocate the Value Stack credits to up to ten designated RC Customers, including the RC Host Account itself.


Farm Waste Customers

Energy Only Farm Waste Customer

If you’re an energy only farm waste customer, your excess solar credits are cashed out on your anniversary month. Your anniversary month is the month that your net metering account was activated with us. You can choose to cash out in any month you’d like. But, you can only change your cash-out month once.

Bill Example for Energy Only Farm Waste Customer (PDF)

Demand Metered Farm Waste Customer

If you’re a demand billed farm waste customer, all excess kilowatt hours of energy sent to the grid are “cashed out” after every billing cycle. We do this by multiplying the excess kilowatt hours by a rate approximate to your retail rate for that month. The resulting monetary credit is applied to the account up to the total amount of other charges (i.e. basic service charges and demand charges) in the billing period. Any credit in excess of the billing period’s other charges is converted back to kilowatt hours and carried forward to future cycles.

Bill Example for Demand Metered Farm Waste Customer (PDF)

For additional billing details or clarification, call 877-434-4100 or use our online contact form.

O&R Available System Data

In accordance with O&R’s Initial Distributed System Implementation Plan filed on June 30, 2016 in NY Public Service Commission Proceeding on the Motion of the Commission in Regard to Reforming the Energy Vision (Case 14-M-0101) O&R is making available the following New York system data to interested parties:

  • Five years forecasted 24 hour system peak day load curves
  • One year historic 8760 load data by substation load area
  • 2016 forecasted 24 hour peak load curves by substation load area
  • 2015 actual 24 hour minimum load curves by substation load area

To access this system data, view the Hosting Capacity Map.

SIR Inventory

VDER Tranche Information

CESIR Results Report

Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Interconnection Handbook
