Rockland Electric Company's Redesigned Bill Makes It Easier For Customers to Understand Their Energy Use
Your Rockland Electric Company monthly bill has a new look to help customers make smart choices about their energy usage.
The redesign, starting with the June 2022 bill, is clear and easy to understand, with colored text, larger type, and charts to highlight key details. The first page provides a breakdown of energy usage and costs, and how temperature affected usage. A “Messages for You” box highlights tips on cost savings, safety and other relevant messages.

Page two continues the improved customer experience by offering a full glossary of terms used in the bill, and details on how to pay online, by mail or by phone.
“The monthly bill is often the only touchpoint customers have with their energy company,” said Janette Espino, vice president of Customer Service. “The new design emphasizes the bill’s most important information: how much energy was used, and helpful comparative usage data along with cost-saving tips,” she added. “It also allows us to communicate more clearly on important matters, such as payment agreement information that will help our customers impacted by COVID-19.”
Residential and small and large commercial customers will receive the redesigned bill.
The bill makes clear how much is for supply – the electricity the customer used – and how much is for the transmission and distribution of that energy. The total bill also includes various taxes and fees imposed by government agencies.
Customers can learn more about the new bill design, including samples of different bills, at:
About Rockland Electric Company
Rockland Electric Company is a regulated electric utility that serves 73,000 customers in parts of Bergen, Passaic, and Sussex County in New Jersey. Rockland Electric is a wholly owned subsidiary of Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc., which in turn is owned by Consolidated Edison, Inc.