Transmission Planning
Facility Interconnection Informational Kit
If you’re developing merchant generator or merchant transmission projects, you’ll find general guidelines for connecting proposed facilities to our electric transmission system.
- Facility Interconnection Informational Kit ORU-ENGR-06 (PDF)
- Transmission Design Standards Rev 11 (PDF)
- Inverter-Based Resources Performance Requirements (PDF)
Interconnection of a proposed project to the ORU/RECO electric transmission system must meet all currently established reliability, operational, environmental and safety standards. All interconnection requests shall comply with the requirements of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (“NERC”), the New York State Reliability Council (“NYSRC”), the Northeast Power Coordinating Council (“NPCC”), the NYISO, Reliability First Corporation (“RFC”) and PJM, as applicable. These requirements are publicly available and can be obtained by contacting the relevant organization. Developers and/or representatives shall comply with applicable safety laws, building and construction codes including provisions of applicable Federal, State or local safety, health or industrial regulations or codes, as well as the ORU/RECO’s safety practices and requirements.
Local Transmission Planning
We plan our transmission system 10 years into the future. You’ll find information on the Orange and Rockland Local Transmission Owner Planning Process pursuant to FERC Order 890 and the relevant NYISO tariffs. Below is Orange and Rockland’s Local Transmission Plans (LTPs).
Local Transmission Plan