Special Services
If you need special attention, we’re ready to help. Learn more about free services for residential customers that can make your life easier.
Special Needs
If you’re blind, visually, or hearing impaired, you may qualify for special utility protection. You can also let us know if you’d prefer to get your bill in large type or Braille. For more information, call us toll-free at 1-877-434-4100, weekdays, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. or contact us online.
Telecommunications Relay Service is available for the hearing impaired by calling 711.
Read our Accessibility Policy to learn more about our commitment to inclusivity and offering a best-in-class digital experience for everyone.
Help for Seniors
If you and/or all adults in your household are over the age of 62, you may be eligible for special protections and payment programs, including quarterly billing for seniors whose energy bills total less than $150 a year.
Call us toll-free at 1-877-434-4100, weekdays, from 8 am to 7 pm, to see if you qualify, or contact us online.
Read our Accessibility Policy to learn more about our commitment to inclusivity and offering a best-in-class digital experience for everyone.
Life Support Equipment
If you or a loved one is on life support, make sure you enroll in our Life-Support Equipment Program. It doesn’t guarantee uninterrupted electric service, but when unavoidable power outages occur, the program provides information and notifications to help you stay informed, prepared, and safe.
If There’s Extreme Cold or Hot Weather
When the forecast calls for extreme cold or heat, we will not disconnect residential customers’ service.