How to Become an Electric Supply Company for Orange & Rockland
In New York
Companies applying for authorization to become an energy service company in our service territory must:
1. Satisfy the NY State Department of Public Service (PSC) eligibility requirements and forward the PSC authorization letter
2. Become a customer of the NY Independent System Operator (NYISO), or establish a verifiable agreement with an authorized NYISO customer and submit written authorization
3. Upon implementation of electronic data interchange (EDI) transactions at O&R, all energy service companies/marketers participating in our service territory must be Phase III-certified. In order to be Phase III-certified, you must complete Connectivity and Transaction Set Testing and submit a Statement of Readiness (PDF). For more information, please visit Electronic Data Interchange.
4. Complete the Consolidated Billing Agreement (PDF) and the Affidavit for Consolidated Billing Agreement (PDF)
5. Submit two original signed copies of the current Energy Service Company operating agreement found in the O&R Retail Access Implementation Plan and Operating Procedure (PDF)
In New Jersey
How to Become a Third-Party Supplier
Companies applying for authorization to become a third-party supplier in the Rockland Electric territory must:
1. Complete the Third Party Supplier Agreement (PDF)
2. Complete the Third Party Supplier Customer Account Services Master Service Agreement (PDF)
NJ Municipal Aggregation
Municipalities that participate in a NJ Government Energy Aggregation program must complete the Electric Distribution Company Aggregation Agreement (PDF).
All information should be mailed to:
Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.
Retail Access Department
One Blue Hill Plaza
Pearl River, NY 10965