Orange & Rockland Smart City Platform
Orange & Rockland is seeking proposals for leveraging a Smart City Platform that will be installed under the Advanced Metering Infrastructure Smart Meters Project. The Platform will provide an end-to-end solution for devices, including registration, data handling and device monitoring, and data presentment.
Have a sensor, alarm, or other device that could benefit from an end-to-end connected platform? Contact us today for more information.
Want to make a proposal?
Check back soon for more information on the details we are looking to be included in any proposal.
We’re currently exploring the implementation of this opportunity for the Rockland County portion of the service territory only.
About the Smart City Platform
The platform uses Silver Spring NetworksTM technology, which allows manufacturers to integrate their communications into these devices. The platform uses safe and secure radio frequency waves that use the latest security technologies to ensure end-to-end protection of devices.
Learn more about how the Silver Springs Networks program works.
Platform Capabilities
Below are some examples of use cases being considered for the Smart City Platform:
- Water Advanced Metering Infrastructure
- Smart Streetlights
- Water and Wastewater Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
- Water and Wastewater Critical Alarms
- Railway Crossing Signal Status or Crossing Status
- Leak and Spill Sensors
- Roadway Traffic Monitors
- Manhole Water Level Detection
- Gas Pressure and Flow Measurement
The availability of the Orange & Rockland Smart City Platform and Orange & Rockland’s ability to use the Smart City Platform for the purposes discussed herein are contingent upon receipt of all necessary regulatory and other approvals.