About the Hosting Capacity Map
Whether you’re a customer, contractor, or developer, our interactive map can help you identify potential sites for private generation. Our interactive portal can help guide decisions regarding the interconnection of resources.
Hosting Capacity Map Basics
Hosting capacity is the amount of private energy resources that can be accommodated without adversely affecting power quality or reliability under existing control configurations, and without requiring infrastructure upgrades. Our geospatial map includes calculated, feeder-level values on our overhead feeders that operate at a voltage class >12kV. These values include the minimum and maximum hosting capacity value, queued private generation, and connected private generation. We will refresh our hosting capacity calculations as well as queued and connected DER on a monthly basis.
System Data
Peak and Minimum Load Duration Curves We also provide the forecasted 2016 substation load area 24 hour peak load curves and the 24 hour minimum load duration curve based on 2015 historical loads. Please see our Distributed System Platform.
Historical 8760 Load Data
We provide the historical 8760 load data for each New York distribution substation. The 8760 load data, from year 2013, is the closest data available, which represents the system peak upon which the forecast is based. The 8760 load data is a raw data export and has not been reviewed and processed (weather adjusted, evaluated for meter error, fully adjusted to account for DER load modifiers, tec.). Please see our Distributed System Platform.