Apply for a Charitable Grant
Become one of the more than 150 nonprofit organizations we support across our service territory.
Thank you for your interest in Orange and Rockland's Power of Giving program.
Each year, we fund over 150 nonprofit organizations working to foster strength, sustainability, and inclusivity in our service territory.
Our grant cycle for nonprofit organizations runs from January 1 – October 1, 2023.
Contact our Strategic Partnerships team for more information including how to apply.
Giving Guidelines
We provide financial support to tax-exempt nonprofit organizations as defined under Section 501 (c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.
Organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, veteran status, genetic information, sex, or age (within statutory limits), or any other legally prohibited basis will not be eligible for funding.
We will consider requests from religious organizations that benefit the overall community without supporting any specific doctrine.
We do not award grants to public schools, private foundations, individuals, labor groups, organizations or programs operating principally outside our service area, or media or literacy projects not connected with an organization.
Grant renewals are not automatic. When you apply for a renewal, you must provide documentation showing the value and effectiveness of your previous grants.
We reserve the right to audit the financial records of organizations that apply for or receive grants. Your application is your consent to such an audit, both during the application process and after a grant has been made.
We do not reduce or donate costs of gas and electric.