Heat Pump Incentives
We offer financial incentives to make purchasing and installing heat pump technology even more affordable.
Rockland Electric Company Customers should work with a contractor to apply for an eligible heat pump rebate that meets the eligibility requirements under the Rockland Electric Company Clean Heat Program.
Find a Participating Contractor
Make sure to search for a participating contractor in the Rockland Electric Company Clean Heat Program to ensure you receive the Rockland Electric Company Clean Heat rebates.
Find a contractor here.
Incentives and Rebates Available
Category |
Technology |
Incentive |
Total Incentive |
1 | ccASHP: Partial Load Heating | $/Outdoor Condenser Unit | $500 |
2 | ccASHP: Full Load Heating | $/10,000 Btu/h of maximum heating capacity at 5°F, as documented on the NEEP Product List1 | $1,600 |
3 | GSHP: Full Load Heating | $/10,000 Btu/h of full load heating capacity as certified by AHRI2 | $2,000 |
4 | Custom Incentive3 | $/MMBTU of annual energy savings | $80 |
5 | Air-Source HPWH (≤ 120 gal) | $/Uni | $1,000 |
6 | Custom Hot Water Heating Applications | $/MMBtu of annual energy savings | $80 |
7 | GSHP Desuperheater | $/Unit | $150 |
8 | Dedicated DHW WWH | $/Unit | $1,000 |
9 | Simultaneous Installation of Space Heating and Water Heating | Additional bonus per combination installation | $250 |
Rockland Electric Company Customers should work with a contractor to apply for an eligible heat pump rebate that meets the eligibility requirements under the NYS Clean Heat Program.
Find a Participating Contractor
Make sure to search for a participating contractor in the Rockland Electric Company Clean Heat Program - NYS Clean Heat Program to ensure you receive the NYS Clean Heat rebates.
Learn more at recoeerebates@icf.com.
1 Total incentive to be limited to 120% of BHL - e.g., Total incentive ≤ ((Maximum Heating Capacity x 1.2)/HP Sizing Ratio). New Construction Multifamily projects that elect to install ASHP systems will be incentivized at the Category 4: Custom Space Heating Applications rate.
2 Total incentive to be limited to 120% of BHL - e.g., Total incentive ≤ ((Full Load GLHP Rating OR Full Load GWHP Rating x 1.2)/HP sizing ratio). New Construction Multifamily projects that elect to install GSHP systems will be incentivized at the Category 4: Custom Space Heating Applications rate.
3 Each participating contractor may retain up to the participating contractor reward amount shown in the incentive table. The balance of the total incentive less the participating contractor reward must be passed or otherwise credited to the customer in its entirety.