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New Jersey Solar-Electric Incentives

New Jersey customers are eligible to receive financial incentives through the New Jersey Clean Energy Program. There's no maximum installation size, but your photovoltaic system must be sized to meet your specific electricity needs—your "local load" or "demand"—to be eligible for incentives under this program.

For more information about incentives for this and other renewable and clean energy generation systems, visit the New Jersey Clean Energy Program.

SREC-Based Financing Program

We can help you finance solar generation projects in our service area through the purchase of Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SREC)*.

The SREC-Based Financing Program provides an opportunity for you, or solar developers working in the Rockland Electric service territory, to bid SRECs into planned solicitations (RFP) prior to system connection. Solicitations are planned three times a year through 2017. Rockland Electric will solicit bids for contract terms up to 10 years.

Rockland Electric will purchase SRECs from a total of 4.5 megawatts (MW) of Solar PV capacity through the program. The bid selection is based on the most favorable net present value of the bids provided. Rockland Electric must then resell the SRECs to energy suppliers through an auction process.

Rockland Electric's Solicitation Manager, Navigant Consulting Inc., acts as the Solicitation Manager for this RFP process. For details, visit If you have any questions regarding the solicitation, please contact the Solicitation Manager at

* An SREC is a tradable certificate representing the environmental benefits associated with 1 megawatt hour (MWh) of energy and is issued once a solar facility has generated 1,000 kilowatt hours (kWh)—or 1MWh—of energy.

Did you know? There are several state and federal programs that promote renewable energy.

The Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE) gives you a comprehensive source of information on state, local, utility, and selected federal incentives. If you're looking into installing or have already installed a renewable energy source system, don't forget to explore these opportunities today.

The COOLAdvantage Program

The New Jersey Office of Clean Energy's COOLAdvantage program promotes the purchase of qualifying energy-efficient equipment and improvements in system sizing and installation. The program also provides rebates towards the purchase and installation of energy efficient central air conditioners or heat pumps.

