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Utility Pole Attachments and Private Area Lighting

If your project involves the use of utility poles—constructing a new communications line between buildings, installing security cameras, or running new fiber optics—our Joint Use Facilities department will help ensure smooth and timely installations.

To review all phases involved in a pole installation, refer to the Pole Attachment Process and make-ready charges.

To Get Started on Your Pole Attachment Project

1. Complete this form. Provide accurate information and other issues critical to your project needs.

Joint Use Facilities Request Form

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Next Steps for Requesting a Utility Pole Attachment

2. Complete two License Agreements for the appropriate state. (Required information is highlighted in yellow. Informational items are highlighted in green.)

3. Complete the License Survey Application (PDF) for additional attachments covered under an existing License Agreement.

4. Submit the required documents: 

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Fees Associated with Joint Use Projects

  • Initial agreement processing fee - $350

The initial agreement processing fee is a one-time fee that covers the cost of O&R personnel to review and sign a new joint use agreement.

  • Overhead make ready labor rate - $163.82/hour
  • Underground make ready labor rate - $154.11/hour

Overhead and underground rates are the hourly cost associated with having to make adjustments to utility poles to make room for new attachments.

  • Survey and engineering rate - $8.40 per pole pre-walk
  • Survey and engineering rate - $6.30 per pole post-walk
  • Survey and engineering rate - $6.30 periodic inspection
  • Survey and engineering rate - $12.59 per pole pre-walk overtime basis
  • Survey and engineering rate - $9.45 per pole post-walk overtime basis

Survey and engineering rates cover the cost for O&R personnel to visit each pole and determine if there is adequate room on the pole to allow for new attachments/installations. If our personnel determine that there isn’t adequate space, adjustments may be made to the utility pole.

  • Current attachment rate NY - $26.55
  • Current attachment rate NJ - $12.96

Attachment rates are rental fees that O&R charges to allow attachments on our utility poles.

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Private Area Lighting

We offer a variety of private area floodlighting designed to provide added safety and security in parking lots, walkways, and just about any area within distance of our existing utility poles.

These lights are completely automatic, coming on at dusk and turning themselves off at dawn. We furnish the fixture, install it on existing poles, and maintain and operate the lights—all for a flat monthly fee.

To learn more about our private area lighting program, contact the O&R New Business Services office nearest you.

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