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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Affiliates That Retain or Employ Marketing Function Employees

Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. (CECONY)
4 Irving Place
New York, NY 10003 

Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.
One Blue Hill Plaza
Pearl River, NY 10965 

Rockland Electric Company

One Blue Hill Plaza
Pearl River, NY 10965

Consolidated Edison Energy, Inc.
701 Westchester Ave.
Suite 201 West
White Plains, NY 10604

Consolidated Edison Solutions, Inc.
701 Westchester Ave.
Suite 300 East
White Plains, NY 10604
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Transmission Function Employees

Energy Control Center (ECC) and Substation Operations

General Manager
Directs the activities of the of the Orange and Rockland (O&R) ECC and Substation Operations Departments, has overall responsibility for the safe and reliable operation of the O&R electric transmission and distribution systems, formulation of personnel plans, and overall responsibility for the computer systems responsible for the operation of the integrated system. Ensures coordination with the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) and Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland Interconnection (PJM).


Control Center Operations


Chief System Operator

Directs System Operations personnel, including on-shift and support personnel. Reviews control center operations daily to ensure that the transmission system is operated safely and reliably. Ensures scheduled switching does not put the reliability of the transmission system at risk. Prepares, as required, and performs periodic review/update of all Manuals, Operating Instructions and Running Orders. Ensures operating studies are conducted, as required. Ensures all ECC training requirements are met. Critiques equipment performance and system events. Directs system integrity meetings and tracks problem resolution. Ensures compliance with all applicable regulatory standards and requirements.


Associate Chief System Operator / ECC Trainer

Supervises Senior System Operators and System Operators. Reviews control center operations daily to ensure that the transmission system is operated safely and reliably. Ensures scheduled switching does not put the reliability of the transmission system at risk. Coordinates operating studies, as required. Administers, coordinates, and executes all ECC training programs for ECC operators on the operation of the electric transmission system and on the coordination of activities with the NYISO and PJM. Critiques system performance and system events. Ensures compliance with all applicable regulatory standards and requirements.


Senior System Operator

Responsible for real time operation of the O&R electric transmission system. Monitors the status of systems, analyzes the effects of contingencies and scheduled outages, and implements steps to minimize their effects on the reliability of the system. Approves or disapproves all transmission switching, decides when, where and how to connect/disconnect primary transmission equipment either by supervisory control or through field direction. Coordinates normal and emergency operation of the O&R electrical system with the NYISO, PJM, and neighboring utilities. Directs the effective restoration of facilities following system disturbances using sound judgment, adhering to department policies and procedures. Ensures compliance with all applicable regulatory standards and requirements.


System Operator

Responsible for real-time operation of the O&R electric transmission system. Operates transmission network in such a manner so as to ensure proper voltage levels and line loading. Maintains close communications with substation, engineering and distribution operations department supervision to ensure that appropriate work priorities are met in accordance with system reliability. Maintains the necessary communications and liaison with appropriate employees of the NYISO, PJM, and neighboring utilities. Ensures compliance with all applicable regulatory standards and requirements.


Senior System Operator – Compliance, and

Senior Specialist – Compliance

Responsible for developing programs and procedures that ensure ongoing compliance to all regulatory standards that are applicable to the ECC and operation of the O&R electric transmission system. Regulatory standards outline required operation criteria training requirements, planning requirements, and general expected practices designed to maintain a reliable bulk electric system. Violations of standards diminish system reliability and can result in significant consequences to O&R.  


Senior System Operator / Outage Coordinator

Responsible for the coordination of generation and transmission outages with company forces, NYISO, PJM, and neighboring utilities, as well as assuring the final review, approval, and scheduling of distribution system planned outages that impact the transmission system. Has the lead role in interfacing between ECC, and O&R work groups to coordinate planned outages and work efforts required to maintain, upgrade or construct transmission facilities. Ensures compliance with all applicable regulatory standards and requirements.


Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Group


Section Manager, Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Group

Supervises and directs CIP compliance activities. Responsible for functional compliance with North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) CIP requirements related to the BES Cyber Systems/Assets at O&R’s affected facilities. Responsible for the on-going development and maintenance of Information Security Policy to meet the ECC’s and Substation’s cyber security and cyber compliance missions and objectives. Plans, designs, and oversees the implementation of associated policies in conjunction with other key stakeholders of the cyber security program and technical architecture. Plans, develops, and oversees the implementation of program processes and technical controls to mitigate threats that could attack, damage, or gain unauthorized access to networks, facilities, data or programs. Collaborates in planning, implementing and maintaining the Company's cyber security awareness program as it relates to CIP.


Senior Specialist (CIP Compliance)

Responsible for daily due diligence and timely reporting of mandatory compliance related activities. Sustains compliance with CIP standards, reviews and analyzes pending and approved reliability standards and requirements, and develops and implements operational solutions to achieve auditable compliance to CIP standards. Responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of the required documentation and evidence for reporting and auditing purposes.


Support Services Group (SSG)


Section Manager, SSG

Responsible to direct, monitor and optimize the personnel and resources of SSG. Establishes goals for and providing overall direction to the group’s personnel to meet the critical systems planning and real-time support needs of the ECC, performing ongoing assessment of the group’s organizational structure to optimize functioning that adapts to the demands of a changing environment, coordination with and meeting the telemetry requirements of the NYISO, PJM and other duly authorized market participants (e.g. generation owners/operators).  Ensures compliance with all applicable regulatory standards and requirements.


Principal Engineer, SSG

Serves as a technical expert and independently leads in the provision of system engineering and database and display administration of the Energy Management System (EMS) to effectively support the bulk power and distribution system operators during normal and contingency operations. Responsible for all database and display systems updates and maintenance. Collaborates on the installation and implementation of EMS and ECC support software and hardware ensuring initial and ongoing compliance with company policies and regulatory standards. Leads the support of advanced EMS application tools (e.g. Simulator, Security Management, Contingency Analysis, State Estimator and Training Simulator), and develops, reviews, and revises operating instructions and procedures applicable to all cyber assets and EMS technology work performed in support of the ECC. Ensures compliance with all applicable regulatory standards and requirements.


System Specialist and Engineer

Responsible for systems development projects as well as coordinating project plans.  Provides system, database and display administration of the EMS to effectively support the safe and reliable operation of the O&R electric system during normal and contingency operations in collaboration with the SSG, CIP Group, and contractors. Manages the installation and implementation of EMS and ECC support systems ensuring initial and ongoing compliance with company policies, industry and regulatory standards; develops, reviews, and revises operating instructions and procedures applicable to all Cyber assets and EMS technology work performed in support of the ECC. Responsible for the operation of the EMS computers, workstations, and computer networks. Responsible for the computer network installation, integrity, and security, EMS and workstation computer hardware, and the monitoring and maintenance of all computer systems and peripherals. Actively maintains and monitors compliance to NERC Reliability, CIP and other Cyber Security Standards. Activities and applications include: patch management of Control Center equipment, anti-virus updates/upgrades, electronic access and physical security systems and protocols, system health/intrusion detection and various other systems administration. Utilizes latest hardware and software diagnostics to identify and coordinate the repair of computer operating problems.



Substation Operations


Section Manager and Manager

Plans, controls and coordinates the assignments and activities of all Substation and Relay personnel to affect the safe, timely and efficient operations, installation, maintenance, repair and inspection of all substation equipment for approximately 90 substation facilities across the entire O&R service territory. Plans capital, new business, reliability, load relief and emergency restoration work as required. Acts as the department’s liaison for various capital and O&M projects coordinating resource requirements with System Operations, Engineering, New Business and the Environmental Health and Safety Departments. Ensures compliance with all applicable regulatory standards and requirements.


Rockland Electric Company has no operating employees. The ECC and Substation Operations department of Rockland Electric's parent, Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc. is responsible for the safe and reliable operation of the company's power system in a real time mode, including load balancing and transmission system switching.

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Shared Facilities 

Conference Center (Meeting Facility)
Chapin Rd.
Forestburg, NY 12777 

The Learning Center (Training and Meeting Facility)
Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.
43-82 Vernon Blvd.
Long Island City, NY 11101

Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. (Company Headquarters)
4 Irving Place
New York, NY 10003  
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Chief Compliance Officers

The Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer for Consolidated Edison is Vice President Kimberly Strong, who can be contacted at 1-855-367-3849. 

The Chief Compliance Officer for Orange & Rockland and Rockland Electric Company matters is Michael Santos, who may be reached at 1-845-577-2943.
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About Orange & Rockland

Orange & Rockland is a participating transmission owner in the New York Independent System Operator's (NYISO) system. For information regarding transmission service on the O&R transmission system, please see the Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) of the NYISO.

Rockland Electric is a participating transmission owner in the PJM Interconnection's (PJM) system. For information regarding transmission service on the Rockland Electric transmission system, please see the Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) of PJM.
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