Electric Vehicle Time-of-Day Rate
Voluntary Time-of-Day Rate |
Summer Months* |
Other Months |
Voluntary Time-of-Day Rate Customer Charge |
Summer Months* $5.75 |
Other Months $5.75 |
Voluntary Time-of-Day Rate Distribution Charge |
Summer Months* First 600 kWh @ 6.062 ¢ per kWh |
Other Months First 600 kWh @ 6.062 ¢ per kWh |
Voluntary Time-of-Day Rate (b) Distribution Charge Applicable to Voluntary Time-of-Day Service |
Summer Months* Peak** All kWh measured between 12:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., Monday Through Friday @ 14.032 ¢ per kWh
Off Peak** All other kWh @ 4.235 ¢ per kWh |
Other Months Peak** All kWh measured between 12:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., Monday Through Friday @ 10.794 ¢ per kWh
Off Peak** All other kWh @ 4.235 ¢ per kWh |
What’s Required
The EV Time-of-Day rate is a voluntary residential rate option, and you may opt out of it at any time. Customers that sign up are taking service under Service Classification No. 1 for their entire house usage. Customers who wish to take service under the EV Voluntary Time-of-Day Rate hereunder shall not be permitted to opt out of AMI or AMR metering.
Price Guarantee
A no risk, price guarantee is available for a period of one year commencing with the first full billing cycle after the customer registers their plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) with the Company and takes service under this rate. Following the initial one-year period, we’ll compare what you paid under time-of-use rates with what you would have paid under our standard residential rate. If you paid more, we’ll credit your account for the difference
There are limited funds for price guarantees. Once we distribute these funds, the price guarantees will no longer be available
How to Apply
If you wish to enroll in the voluntary electric vehicle Time-of-Day rate, complete an application using our secure online portal. You will need your Rockland Electric account number and a copy of your electric vehicle’s permanent registration with an address that matches the service address of your Rockland Electric account to apply.
If you would like to be enrolled in the Time-of-Day rate and do not have an electric vehicle, please contact customer service at 1-877-434-4100.
Opting Out
Customers can opt out of the EV Time-of-Day rate at any time by contacting Rockland Electric Customer Service at 1-877-434-4100 or by filling out the customer assistance contact form. Please note that you cannot opt back into taking service under EV Time-of-Day rate for at least one year after opting out of the rate.
* Summer Billing Months: June through September.
** Peak: 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Off-Peak: All other times.