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contractor performing home energy audit

Quick Home Energy Check-up

Get recommendations to make your home more energy-efficient and comfortable.

The Quick Home Energy Check-up is designed to help you better understand your energy usage so you can take steps to make your home more comfortable and energy efficient.

The check-up is fast and easy. An energy advisor, certified by the Building Performance Institute (BPI), will perform a visual evaluation of your home's insulation levels (including the windows and doors), heating and cooling systems, lighting, and appliances.

Afterward, you will receive a report containing the results of the walk-through, which may also include specific actions you can take to make your home more energy efficient and recommendations for other Rockland Electric Company offers that are right for your home.

It also can help you decide if the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® program is right for you. During your check-up, the auditor will let you know if investing in additional measures like insulation and air sealing would be beneficial to you and your home. If so, the Rockland Electric Company Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® program offers rebates of up to $5,000 for deep retrofit improvements of your home.

What to Expect

Our goal is to provide you with recommendations that will best improve the energy efficiency of your home and reduce your energy use. During your Quick Home Energy Check-up, your energy advisor may:

  • Perform a visual inspection of your home's insulation levels, heating and cooling systems, windows, doors, lighting and appliances.
  • Provide you with suggestions for ways to reduce energy use, energy-saving tips and educational materials.
  • Install energy-saving products like LED light bulbs, faucet aerators and efficient-flow showerheads (with your permission) at no additional cost.
  • Provide recommendations for other ways you can participate in the Rockland Electric Company energy saving programs to further reduce your energy use and costs.

To Participate

Contact Rockland Electric’s implementation contractor Franklin Energy at 1-973-232-0728 or .
